Experience the beauty of the Nelly Isler

Elegant, exciting and exotic. Words that typify the cambria. Because it is a plant with long lasting enjoyment it is the perfect present. Certainly when you remember that the orchid is the symbol of pure friendship. A distinguishing feature of this orchid, the outcome of intensive crossbreeding, is its subtle fragrance and the warm red colour.

The orchid is a plant that is easy to care for. It takes no account of trends and is just happy to be itself, while still being contemporary and magical. The plant is stylish by natureand especially exotic. Why not experiment with coloured pots? Stand pots of the same colour together. Prepare to be amazed by the calming, serene, sensual or modern ambience. One thing is certain: orchids are never boring!

Contrary to popular belief orchids are not in the least difficult to care for. In fact, they are really low maintenance! With just a little extra attention most orchids will flower several times a year. It goes without saying that the thousands of different orchid varieties will not all thrive on the same type of care. However, there are some general tips that will benefit most varieties of orchids. If you follow the guidelines below, you will be well on the way to success. Ask the florist for any specific care tips when you buy an orchid!

Flowering period
6-8 weeks
All year
Potorchids like:
  • a well-lit spot
  • room temperatures between 18 and 20C
  • special, liquid orchid food (once a month)
  • a bath
Orchids dislike:
  • wet feet. Immerse the pot in water for 5 to 10 minutes, once a week and then allow to drain well. The water should be at room temperature draughts
  • direct sunlight
  • standing near the central heating or a heater
  • fruit bowls! Fruit produces gases that cause flowers to age prematurely
  • Tips for watering
  • If possible use rainwater!
  • Never water the plant, always the soil.
  • It is preferable to water orchids in the morning so that the moisture has time to dry up.
  • Keep orchids drier in winter than in summer. They rest in winter. Only water occasionally.
  • In spring increase the amount of water given, occasionally adding some special plant food.
  • Most modern houses suffer from a dry atmosphere, whereas orchids like some humidity: The leaves of the orchid should therefore be sprayed regularly with water.
After flowering, the faded spike can be removed entirely. The shoot that produced that spike will not produce flowers again. The plant will produce one or more new shoots. Once a new shoot has elongated, it will produce a pseudo-bulb (a hard green disk). Once this pseudo-bulb is entirely hardened and filled out, the plant can be provided with less water for eight weeks (about once every two weeks is enough). During this period, the best location for the plant is a cooler spot (16-17C) such as a guestroom. Do not place the plant in the dark. This procedure will stimulate the plant to rebloom.

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